Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jounal Entry no. 5

Jounal Entry no. 5.

The most challenging thing I’ve done was, facing my fear. Im afraid to die. Most of us do. But in my case, I felt that Im really sick, and going to die. I have gone to many experts to seek help. Different doctors in their specialty. Cardio, Derma, and lot others. But they were always told me that im not sick. Its all in my mind. They said that I might be a Hypochondriac. A hypochondriac is a person who find himself with an acute illness but in contrary he is as strong as a horse. That was happened to me. By that time, I have researched all about what my doctors said. By then, I’ve realized that I don’t have an acute illness but a mental stresses. I’ve told myself that all the worrying are enough. I’ve just said that, if I will die today… its okay because Im gonna be peaceful, and wait for the great day of resurrection. A big challenge that I’ve learned to endure.

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