Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Journal Entry no. 1

Journal Entry no. 1.

We can say that this course is an easy and not essential part in our program. Is it true? If we study our values and virtues we might say that it is just right to just belong to the society. Do nothing to help. Be a person that’s careless in his surrounding. Being a selfish one. But Values Education can do something about that. It might change our personality and be good at what things do we value most. By having this course we can surely learn about something new that can cultivate our well being and enhance our character positively.

Jounal Entry no. 2

Journal Entry no. 2.

Moving on a place to the other is such a big adjustment to do. It’s like big steps to follow through. Dealing in different situation from the other. All things are different. If this happened we are in the state of adjusting. Like in my situation right now. From high school to college. They have a lot of difference in the two. The transition is fast and comprehensive. Dealing with other students with different characters. Having this nervousness with some terror professors. Or having a passing score instead. This are some of the worries of a student. But we can change this misconception by giving our best all the way. Always give your best shot. Know yourself first. Check your abilities. If you have weaknesses, do something to improve it. Do it without hesitation. Have y doing confidence and faith with yourself. By doing this, we will be adjusting easily with this transitions.

Journal Entry no. 3

Journal Entry no. 3.

I’ve practiced having more discipline to myself by using my money wisely and having more respect to others thinking that we all have different characteristics. By doing this two, I have improved my personality more, in a positive way.

Freshmen Night

The freshman concert was great. A lot of students have fun with that occasion. Five bands had performed and all of them were good and entertaining. Its unforgettable, I want to have one again. My favorite part is the act of Mom’s Cake. Its funny. I want to thank the organizers and faculty members who are behind this event for arranging a fun and peaceful concert.

Journal Entry no. 4

Journal Entry no. 4.
"Do unto others what you want others do unto you" The GOLDEN rule just implies that, always do well to others. We don’t want people to do bad on us, same as we don’t want to do bad on them. We like to be treated as nice as it may seem. As good as possible. We should always think what will be the best thing to do in a situation. Think first before you act. Act in a positive way. By doing this, we can have a clean and clear personality.

Jounal Entry no. 5

Jounal Entry no. 5.

The most challenging thing I’ve done was, facing my fear. Im afraid to die. Most of us do. But in my case, I felt that Im really sick, and going to die. I have gone to many experts to seek help. Different doctors in their specialty. Cardio, Derma, and lot others. But they were always told me that im not sick. Its all in my mind. They said that I might be a Hypochondriac. A hypochondriac is a person who find himself with an acute illness but in contrary he is as strong as a horse. That was happened to me. By that time, I have researched all about what my doctors said. By then, I’ve realized that I don’t have an acute illness but a mental stresses. I’ve told myself that all the worrying are enough. I’ve just said that, if I will die today… its okay because Im gonna be peaceful, and wait for the great day of resurrection. A big challenge that I’ve learned to endure.

Jounal Entry no. 6

Jounal Entry no. 6.

I’ve challenged myself to do all the assignments that our professors had gave us. I felt so happy because I’ve done all the requirements and be good in class. I’ve realized that by doing this regularly, it will help you success with your goals in life.

Journal Entry 7

Journal Entry 7.

My health condition is fine if you ask the physical and emotional thing. But in comes to environment, honestly I’ve got that poorly. I’ve been irresponsible in this field. I don’t consider the effects of my acts and for being careless to our nature. The documentary “an inconvenient truth”, was an alarm to all of us. We should wake up in the truth that our environment is in crisis. We are now experiencing irregularity in our climate and sudden change in our weather. Its just because of the famous Global Warming. A lot of disasters are happening because of this dilemma. We should act now to help our nature. We should be a responsible citizens of the world. Be considerate. Act like a grown up. Be part of the change not being the reason to change. In our small ways we can help and bring back the beauty of the environment.